Completed Projects
- Binding mechanisms and mobility of arsenic in wetland soils (DFG Arsen)
Beate Huhle, Egbert Matzner, Christian Blodau
- Interactions between nitrogen deposition, biodiversity and and the biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen and carbon in European peatlands (PEATBOG)
Yuanqiao Wu, Kasia Zajac, Christian Blodau
- Wechselwirkungen zwischen Biodiversität und biogeochemischen Kreisläufen von Kohlenstoff und Stickstoff in europäischen Moorökosystemen (ERA-Net (EU) - BMBF)
Yuanqiao Wu, Kasia Zajac, Christian Blodau
- Impact of groundwater-surface water interactions on sediment biogeochemistry in an acidic mine lake (DFG BL563/15-1)
Julia Beer, Christian Blodau, Stefan Peiffer
- Application of the Peat Archive as Tool in Environmental Chemistry (APATEC)
Sabine Thüns, Michael Radke, Christian Blodau
- Response of belowground carbon, sulphur, and iron cycling in fen soils (DFG FOR 562 TP 1)
Cristian Estop, Christian Blodau
- Impact of long-term N deposition on nitrogen transformations and translocation in a northern peatland (DFG BL563/14-1)
Yangping Xing, Dimitre D. Dimitrov, Christian Blodau, Jan Fleckenstein
- Redox processes of C, S and Fe in a fen soil (DFG FOR 562 TP 1: (2005-2008))
Klaus-Holger Knorr, Christian Blodau
- The influence of natural organic matter and iron oxides on the redoxstate and complexation of arsenic in aquatic systems (DFG BL 563/2-1)
Markus Bauer, Christian Blodau
- Folgen eines veränderten Klimaregimes auf Kohlenstoffumsetzungen in Feuchtgebieten (CA 02/17)
Christian Blodau
- Consequences of changed climate regime on carbon release in peatlands (BMBF CA 02/17)
Christian Blodau
- The influence of natural organic matter and iron oxides on the redoxstate and complexation of arsenic in aquatic systems (DFG (Bl563/2-1))
Christian Blodau
- The influence of NOM and iron oxides on the redox state and complexation of arsenic in natural aquatic systems- field investigations (DGF)
Simona Regenspurg, Christian Blodau