Termin entfällt! (Adaptation to Climate Change - how natural and social sciences can work together)
Vortragender: Prof. Dr. Christoph Görg, UFZ Leipzig, Department UmweltpolitikDi. 20.07.2010 (16:15-17:45), Vortrag fällt aus!
Christoph Görg won't be able to come to Bayreuth for his presentation on Tuesday due to a case of illness in his family. He is very sorry and hopes to give a presentation on a later date.
At the closure of the summer term, Christoph Görg from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ will give a presentation on one of the recently most popular topics to be researched and discussed: Adaptation to climate change. Thereby, questions of practical implementation of adaptation to climatic changes as well as theoretical aspects of how ecological and social systems can be related to each other shall be presented.
In adaptation research and policy there are often both natural as well as social scientists involved which can be seen as potential as well as a challenge. As project manager of the BMBF climate change adaptation program "KLIMaanpassung ZUkunftsfähig Gestalten – KLIMZUG Nordhessen" Christoph Görg will give insights into his experiences on the collaboration of scientists with different background and present adaptation strategies developed for Nordhessen, Germany.
Eingeladen durch Susann Trabert.
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